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Unser Toskana - Cote d`Azur Trip 2016 - Our Tuscany - Cote d`Azur trip 2016

Hi Risti Freunde,
ich möchte Euch heute etwas erzählen von unserem Italien – Frankreich Trip im Sommer 2016
Unsere Reise führte uns von Deutschland aus über die Schweiz an den schönen Comer See in Italien. Dort haben wir in Gravedona 3 Tage verbracht. Von dort aus ging es in die Modemetropole Mailand. Am nächsten Tag sind wir dann in die Panerai Stadt Florenz gefahren. Dort wohnten wir 3 Tage in einem alten Kloster-Hotel oberhalb von Florenz. Von dort aus ging es weiter nach Viareggio ans Meer. Tagestouren haben wir nach Pisa und Lucca gemacht. Von Viareggio aus ist es nach 3 Tagen Aufenthalt über La Spezia zur Cinque Terre nach Riomaggiore. Traumhaft dort. Weiter ging die Reise entlang der Küste über Genua, Menton, Monaco nach Antibes (Süd Frankreich). Dort standen 10 Tage Badeurlaub auf dem Plan. Abends haben wir Ausflüge nach Nizza, Cannes und Monaco gemacht. Der Rückweg führe uns über Genua, Mailand, Comer See, die Schweiz bis nach Deutschland.
Es waren tolle 3 Wochen mit sehr vielen schönen Eindrücken und Erlebnissen. Wir sind über 3500km mit dem Auto gefahren. Und immer an meinem Arm war die Panerai Pam 364. Ich habe täglich die Bänder zum Outfit gewechselt. Am Strand war das Rubber Band montiert und sonst alle möglichen Leder Bänder von Corrigia Straps. Viele verschiedene Bänder passen zu der Uhr. Eine besondere Überraschung gab es in Cannes. Dort fand die Panerai Regatta Challenge dieses Jahr statt. Wir konnten uns die Yachten anschauen und etwas Regatta Feeling erleben. Das Panerai Schiff Eilean lag auch dort und ist ein Traum J
Schaut Euch die Bilder an:
Hi Risti Friends,
I would like to tell and show you about our Italy – France holiday during summer 2016
Our trip started in Germany and we passed Switzerland to the beautiful lake Lago di Como in Italy. We spent 3 days in Gravedona at the lake. The journey continued to the fashion metropolis Milano. From Milano we travelled to the Panerai City Firenze the next day. We lived in an old cloister-hotel above Firenze city centre for 3 days. Our next destination was Viareggio at the sea side. We did a lot of day trips e.g to Pisa, Lucca and the western part of the Tuscany. After 3 days in Viareggio we travelled via La Spezia to the Cinque Terre to Riomaggiore. It was really nice there. The journey continued along the coast and we passed Genova, Menton, Monaco and finally arrived Antibes (south France). We stayed there for 10 days and relaxed at the beach and sea. We did a lot of trips to Nizza, Cannes and Monaco in the evening. The way back led us over Genova, Milano, Lago di Como, Switzerland and finally back to Germany.
We had amazing 3 weeks with lots of really nice impressions and experiences. We drove 3500km by car :-) And the Panerai Pam 364 was always at my wrist. I have changed the straps on a daily basis matching to my outfit. At the beach I only used the rubber strap and in the time between I have used a lot of different leather straps from Corrigia Straps. A lot of different straps match to that watch. A special surprise we saw in Cannes. The Panerai Regatta Challenge took place in Cannes this year. We had a look at the sailing yachts and got some regatta feeling. The Panerai yacht Eilean also participated to the challenge. The yacht is a dream J
Have a look at the following pictures:
Die Tour auf der Karte - Our journey shown in a map


Lago di Como:


Beautiful view from the Hotel



Perfect matching: LV wallet and Panerai 364 with Corrigia  L14 Ombra with silver stitching and light vintage finish.




Cappucino and Panerai. Italian Style. Pam 364 with L15 Egiziano Grosso Trentare Strap

Our view from the Hotel over the City Centre of Firenze



Panerai 364 with L15 - Egiziano Grosso Trentare Strap



Sun downer with Panerai 364 and Squadra 3 Strap

Italian Style: Panerai 364, Corrigia Strap Egiziano Grosso, genuine leather bag, bracelets



Pisa tower and Panerai 364 with Squadra 3 Strap


Lucca Tuscany:

I love the Tuscany. The smell, the feeling, the nature. Awesome


La Spezia:


View through the Harbour of Spezia with warships. I wear the Panerai 364 with Squadra 6 green strap


Cinque Terre - Riomaggiore:

View along the coast. Pure Nature.

Riomaggiore with its nice painted houses and free of cars. Amazing.

IMG_1011Italian Tea Time, Äh cappucino time :-) Panerai 364 with nice Squadra 6 strap






Hotel Negresco in Nizza at the beach.




 Cannes harbour in the evening. Really nice location. Panerai 364 with Fletch 01 Strap. Worthy setup for Cannes: Watch and Strap :-)



Big surprise waited for us: Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge. The complete harbour was covered with Panerai flags and advertisement. Where is Eilean, the famous Panerai yacht


Finally found EIlean. :-)



Cap d`antibes. Panerai with Squadra 3 Strap.


Panerai 364 with Squadra 3 Strap in the nature


Panerai 364 with Ombra Strap light vintage finish

Chilling at the pool with Pam 364 and perfect matching Squadra 3 strap



Monaco Casino visit with Panerai 364 and L01 - UNO Strap. And we left the Casino with the watch :-)



This strap case C01 - Cartella Militare was perfect to store all the straps during that journey. It is important to choose the right strap for the right location :-)


It was a very nice journey with amazing impressions, nice weather and a lot of fun. If you plan such a trip please feel free to send me a message. I like to give you some tips where to go and what you need to visit and see.

Thanks to my girlfriend for joining me during that journey.

Best regards



You can click at the name of the straps in that article and you are guided to the place where you will find more information of the strap and where you can do your order.

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